Meeting called to order by Tony Mabrito at 6:30pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL: Present: Tony Mabrito-Supervisor, Libby Spencer-Clerk, Tiffany Lindberry-Treasure,
Joe Kremm-Trustee, Tracey McGhan- Trustee
Residents: 3 residents
MINUTES: It was moved by Joe Kremm, supported by Libby Spencer, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 6, 2021. Motion Carried.
FINANCE: The Treasurer’s report on Township Receipts of $3540.14 for the period of February 1 through February 28, 2021 was presented by Treasure, Tiffany Lindberry.
It was moved by Tiffany Lindberry, supported by Tracy McGahn to pay the bills of $19,402.37 as presented by Clerk, Libby Spencer. Motion Carried.
REPORTS: Park Committe Up-Date – Workbee on May 14th (Paint, install new garbage barrels)
This Years Projects- enclose ceiling, add 3 outlets, enclose plumbing of 1st Pavillion, add 2 picnic tables, replace broken swing.
CORRESPONDENCE: Muskegon County Road Commission recommend repaving Hilton Park from Hts Ravenna to Sternberg,
OLD BUSINESS: Point and Pay Service is now Active with BS&A software and has also been added to the tool bar of our website for easy access.
It has been advised that we order a reciept printer to use with Point and Pay this will be reviewed once we now how often the residents utilize this option.
Polkton Twp is planning to install a pipeline to the Muskegon Waste Water Treatment Plant this will cut across a small section of the north east sectio of our township.
Office improvements – We are in the process of getting estimates on a height adjustble desk, filing storage options. A work bee will be held to complete the paint, window treatments updates.
New Bathroom layout estimates will also be sought by local contractors, this will provide additional secured storage for historic documents and voting machines
A pay increase for the Planning Commision members was discussed and we will be checking other townships to compare pay ranges.
Due to low volume of traffic at the township, the decision was made to eliminate Friday office hours. Our new office hours will be Monday thru Thurday 9am to 12pm and 12:30pm to 5pm.
Due to struggles with ordering and purchasing difficulties for the township needs, we will be looking at Sullivan Township Credit Card options.
There have been several concerns about explosives and forearms being used in residential areas within our township. The Noise Ordinance will be reviewed and updated since it has not been looked at since 1981. We will be working with Fresh Coast Planning to bring it in line with similar townships.
The 5 acre property on the northwest corner of Hts.Ravenna and Maple Island Rd was approved from residential to Commercial per the recommendation of the Planning Commission with a roll call vote. Kremm, McGahn, Lindberry and Spencer voted Yea. Mabrito abstained.
The township hall is in need of a new roof and we will be accepting estimates from area businesses over the next two months.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: The question was asked if residents could possibly borrow some of the township folding tables and folding chairs for personal use. It was approved providing that they are checked out and returned in a clean and timely manner. Forms are available at the township office.
ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.