Joint Board and Planning Commission Meeting – June 8, 2021
Sullivan Township Hall
Meeting was called to order by John Carr at 5:30pm.
Present: Tony Mabrito, Libby Spencer, Tiffany Lindberry, Joe Kremm, Tracey McGhan, John Carr, Glenn Gustafson, Tom Jasick, Butch Michelli
Members Absent: Tom Anton, Eloise Jarka, Jim Kotecki
John Carr Walked us through of Planning Commission Issues from August 2020 to Present:
McCormick Special Land Use – New Gas Station in process and set to open this summer
Sullivan Lake Access Construction – Phase 1 is complete and consists of the approach from Sullivan Rd and the parking lot to provide a safe place for people to park when accessing the Muskatawa Trail.
John Carr suggested that we have West Shore draw up a current blueprint showing the completed project. John Carr also suggested that we erect “Sullivan Lake Park” signage at the parking lot and proceed to Phase 2.
Planning Commission Officers – Tom Anton-Chair and John Carr-ViceChair with Eloise Jarka-Secretary.
Fresh Coast Planning – Covers all township Planning and Zoning Administration, Julie Lovelace is our consultant. Fruitport Township Services will provide construction inspection services.
Muskegon Fairgrounds Inspection – The walk through inspection went well with few issues needing to be corrected. Barrier free access to bathrooms, removal of some small debris piles and an east entrance drive sign.
Sullivan Township Zoning Ordinance Update and Reprint – A correction is needed in Sec 3.35C, and the Accessory Building and Uses Up-dated Ordinance from 2020 is missing. This will be taken care of by Libby Spencer.
Arends Solar Special Land Use – FCP has and the township has reached out to Mr. Arends and his contractor receiving no response. Consumers Power has also been contacted and claim to know nothing of the Solar Panels. It was recommended that we reach out to our lawyer for assistance in this issue.
Mabrito Property Rezoning – The Hts Ravenna/Maple Island corner has been slated for future growth as well as the Pontaluna/Maple Island corner.
Kremm Private Drive Permit – FCP has worked to insure that all requirements were met to complete this issue
Christiansen Partial Land Transfer – Transfer of 9.77 acres north of the Musketawa trail to a Steinhauer parcel. Both parcels are and will remain non-conforming.
Noise, Blight and Firearms Discharge Ordinance – It was agreed that the State regulated firearms laws need to be followed and are out of our control. After a lengthy discussion the noise ordinance was tabled until the planning commission has time to review the information provided to them for review.
Tom Jasick moved that we adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm, it was supported by Butch Michelli.