November 4, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Sullivan Township Board Meeting Minutes November 4, 2021

1. Meeting was called to order by Tony Mabrito at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. ROLL CALL: Present: Tony Mabrito-Supervisor, Libby Spencer-Clerk, Tracey McGhan-Treasurer, Joe Kremm-Trustee, John Carr-Trustee

Guest: Ed Vanas
Residents: 5 attended

3. MINUTES: It was moved by Joe Kremm, supported by Libby Spencer, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held. Motion carried.

4. FINANCE: The Treasurer’s report on Township receipts of $194,221.84 for the period of October 1, 2021, to October 31, 2021 was presented by Treasurer Tracey McGhan.

It was moved by Libby Spencer, supported by Tracey McGhan, to pay bills of $25,247.83 as presented by Clerk Libby Spencer. Motion carried.

5. REPORTS: Planning Commission – John Carr reported on the October 12th PC meeting
Summit Property rezoning was denied
Fair Grounds special use was approved
Jawor request for an oversized building variance was denied
Lutz request for a building variance was approved
Michigan Township Services were reviewed

6. OLD BUSINESS: Noise Ordinance Enforcement Officer – Ed Vanas reported that citations have
been issued to the offender on Hts Ravenna Rd and the case is in the hands of the lawyers.
IBV Energy Solar Farm Options for Sullivan Township – Tony Mabrito made the suggestion to have the Planning Commission review this option for our township.

7. NEW BUSINESS: -Tom Broduer denial for rezoning of property was discussed and voted upon.
The board voted to follow the PC recommendation with a vote of 4 to 1.
– Heather Rios has applied and for the open PC position. Her appointment was accepted
-CCS contract was altered to a prepaid assistance vs on-call rates for a 20% savings in our charges
-Fresh Coast Planning calls need to be routed through the township office to reduce the amount being spent month for zoning concerns
-The board accepted the appraisal to replace the township hall roof as submitted by Bonthuis Builders.
-Township Christmas party December 10th

8. DISCUSSION/ANNOUNCMENTS: John Carr and Joe Kremm are going to put together a small team of residents to develop a new ATV Ordinance as requested by the Road Commission. We will also be up-dating the Property Maintenance Ordinance.

9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Libby Spencer, supported by Tracey McGhan to adjourn at 7:55pm. Motion carried.


Damage to the Park

Help for Seniors Available

New Voter Registration Laws and AV Laws

Hours of Operation















*Closed Daily 12:00 – 12:30

Elected Officials


Tony Mabrito


Libby Spencer


Tracey McGhan


Joe Kremm


John Carr