April 5, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

Sullivan Township Board Meeting Minutes    April 5, 2022

Meeting was called to order by Tony Mabrito at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Present:  Tony Mabrito-Supervisor, Libby Spencer-Clerk, Tracey McGhan-Treasurer, Joe Kremm-Trustee, John Carr-Trustee       Also 9 people were in attendance

MINUTES:  It was moved by Libby Spencer, supported by Tracey McGhan, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held.  Motion carried.

FINANCE:  The Treasurer’s report on all Township receipts of $35,314.14 for the period of March 1, 2022, to March 31, 2022, was presented by Treasurer Tracey McGhan.  It was moved by Joe Kremm, supported by Tracey McGhan, to pay bills of $50,179.04 as presented by Clerk Libby Spencer.  Motion carried.

REPORTS: Planning Commission – John Carr shared that the Muskegon County Fair Ground projects and event calendar were reviewed.  Also, permit for an oversized 3800sqft building for Mr. Jawor was declined and an oversized 2,000sqft building for Mr. Richards approved.

CORRESPONDENCE: Fresh Coast Planning Activity – A Conditional Accessory Building with No Principal Building Agreement for the Start Property was approved as long as it includes that the accessory building needs to be removed prior to occupancy.

OLD BUSINESS: The new ATV Ordinance was approved and will be sent to the MCRC along with the Golf Cart Resolution and a Map of the restricted roads for their approval.  It will then be posted online and in the Ravenna Independent.

NEW BUSINESS: Michigan Township Participating Plan Renewal was approved to cover the liability insurance of our parts and buildings

-An Up-date on Sullivan Lake Park Property maintenance was given by Tom Jasick.  He and a neighbor have been maintaining this property since last summer.  We thanked him and asked them to turn in receipts for their supplies for reimbursement.

-Tire Recycle Volunteers are needed for May 21st (9am to 1pm).  Tony Mabrito will assist with this.

BECOME INVOLVED IN YOUR COMMUNITY!  April 19th is the Deadline for Treasurer and Trustee Applications to be turned in.   Both are currently appointed positions and will be on the ballot for the August Primary.

-Spring Newsletter were sent out this week.

-Muskegon County Trail Riders Association once again asked for permission to ride the trails on Sullivan Property as well as install a few small diamond trail markers.  The board approved this request.

Tony Mabrito is going to talk to the MCRC about designating an area for them to park 4 or 5 horse trailers occasionally.

-The owners of the 3278 David Bee property were granted permission to keep the existing buildings after removing the remains of burned house providing that a future house is built within the proper set-back.  We will be sending them a confirmation letter on this agreement to their realtor.

-Hall Rental is now available.  The newer plastic tables and chairs will remain at the hall for the renter use.  We will still be able to loan out the old wooden tables and metal chairs to residents without cost.

-Township Officials and Employee wages were discussed. A resolution was presented to raise the Supervisor, Clerk and Treasurer positions to an annual salary of $14,500.  This is still under all of the set area salaries.  The Trustee positions were raised to $200/month which is comparable to the other townships.  It was also agreed that Deb Fetter should receive a $500 bonus for the outstanding job she did on refinishing the floors in the hall.

ANNOUNCMENTS:  We regret to announce that Bryan and Patty Dodge have decided to resign from heading up the Park Committee.  They have devoted the past 45 years to this cause and our parks would not be what they are today without their work and dedication.  Thank you for your dedication!    We are looking for anyone interested in attempting to fill their shoes!

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Jason Koklema introduced himself as a candidate to replace one of the Muskegon Circuit Court.  He is a lifelong resident of Fruitport.

-Jim Postema bought up the concern that he feels that the residents and township should not bear the burden of the cost it is going to take to clear out the Dolph Drain since it has been untouched by the county for several years.  Tony Mabrito said he would discuss this with Brenda Moore.

-Lacey Vanderbrand was questioned that her property is only 75% instead of 100% principal residency.She was directed to contact the equalization department.

ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Libby Spencer, supported by Joe Kremm to adjourn at 7:15pm.  Motion carried.

Libby Spencer, Sullivan Township Clerk


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*Closed Daily 12:00 – 12:30

Elected Officials


Courtney Glavich


Heather Brown


Brooke VanHouten


Angela Himber


Michael Hazekamp