June 7, 2022 Sullivan Township Board Meeting

Sullivan Township Board Meeting Minutes    June 7, 2022

Meeting was called to order by Tony Mabrito at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Present: Tony Mabrito-Supervisor, Libby Spencer-Clerk, Tracey McGhan-Treasurer, Joe Kremm-Trustee, John Carr-Trustee     We had 29 residents present along with 2 guests.

MINUTES:  It was moved by Libby Spencer, supported by Joe Kremm, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held May 5, 2022.  Motion carried.

FINANCE:  The Treasurer’s report on all Township receipts of $5,201.82 for the period of May 1, 2022, to May 31, 2022, was presented by Treasurer Tracey McGhan.  It was moved by Tracey McGhan, supported by Joe Kremm, to pay bills of $21,148.88 as presented by Clerk Libby Spencer.  Motion carried.

REPORTS: John Carr reported on the Planning Commission meeting.  Some of the topics discussed include the splitting of a resident’s property, the updating of the zoning map, and the Sullivan Accessory Building ordinance.

CORRESPONDENCE: Michigan Township Service activities were reviewed.       Fresh Coast Planning Activities were reviewed as well.

OLD BUSINESS: Replacement Florescent Light Appraisal by Consumers Electric that was approved at the last meeting, was confirmed to be a viable option and we will proceed with this project.

NEW BUSINESS: The Project to hard surfacing with Chip and Seal Hile Road from Hilton Park to Broton Rd and Sullivan Road from Pontaluna to Broton Rd were discussed with the residents that were present at the meeting.   The residents that were not present will be contacted to encourage their participation in the hard surfacing of their roads.  We need everyone’s buy in by June 30, 2022.

Rob Wiemert and Tammy Gillette presented signatures after meeting with their neighbors to start the process of having Cline and Sheringer Roads hard surfaced in the future. Tony will be requesting quotes to hard surface these two roads

The Cemetery underground sprinkling system repairs was tabled until next meeting due to a lack of information.

The board reviewed the resume of an Enforcement Officer that was interviewed earlier in the week.  The board took a roll call vote to hire Clay Orrison as our enforcement officer.  All members voted to unanimously hire Officer Orrison.

The board was presented an updated copy of our Noise Ordinance that will be reviewed and voted upon at next weeks joint meeting with the Planning Commission.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Amanda Buday from GVSU was present to inform us that the Sullivan residents living along the Crockery Creek Watershed would be receiving a survey.  This survey about management and water quality.  It will be used to inform the Conservation District about any concerns residents may have.   All responses will be kept confidential.

Al Swanson introduced himself and let us know that he will be running for Circuit Court Judge this coming fall.

ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Libby Spencer, supported by Joe Kremm to adjourn at 6:45pm.  Motion carried.

Libby Spencer, Sullivan Township Clerk

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*Closed Daily 12:00 – 12:30

Elected Officials


Courtney Glavich


Heather Brown


Brooke VanHouten


Angela Himber


Michael Hazekamp