January 3, 2023 Board Minutes

Sullivan Township Board Meeting Minutes    January 3, 2023

Meeting was called to order by Tony Mabrito at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Present: Tony Mabrito-Supervisor, Libby Spencer-Clerk, Tracey McGhan-Treasurer, Joe Kremm-Trustee, Jeremy Rios-Trustee; 4 residents also attended

MINUTES:  It was moved by Libby Spencer, supported by Tracey McGhan, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held.  Motion carried.

FINANCE:  The Treasurer’s report on all Township receipts of $13,993.70 for the period of December 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, was presented by Treasurer Tracey McGhan.

It was moved by Tracey McGhan, supported by Joe Kremm, to pay bills of $48,485.01 as presented by Clerk Libby Spencer.  Motion carried.

CORRESPONDENCE: Fresh Coast Planning Activities were reviewed

OLD BUSINESS: Sheringer Road Property, the 100ft between Barnes and Sullivan roads are still being researched.  The information and documents received from the Equalization Dept this month was inconclusive.  It has been decided to request the help of our lawyer to resolve this issue.

NEW BUSINESS: West Michigan Burial Vault increased their service prices. Sullivan Township will be following suit the new prices are as follows:  Burial open/close-$450, Over-sized grave open/close-$650, Cremains open/close-$200, Mon-Fri after 4pm or Saturday-additional $200, Foundations-$.030/sqft, Veteran Marker handling fees $100

A candidate for a new Township Attorney will be interviewed January 10th by board members.

To assist and streamline the work of the Planning Commission, Fresh Coast Planning will be providing them with an agenda and ordinance comparisons, working with residents on variance requests, zoning permits, special land uses, etc.  This information will be available to the PC members one week prior to their monthly meetings.

The option to provide Sick time pay for our office administrator was disgusted and rejected due to it being a part-time position receiving vacation pay and holiday pay.

DISCUSSION/ANNOUNCMENTS: Concerns were raised pertaining to the lack of work being done on the Upstairs Hall remodel.  A roll call vote was held to reach out to the contractors awarded the project to either complete the remodel within the agreed upon time frame.  If this is not possible, we will move forward with a different contractor.

ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Libby Spencer, supported by Joe Kremm to adjourn at 6:00pm.  Motion carried.

Libby Spencer, Sullivan Township Clerk

Hours of Operation















*Closed Daily 12:00 – 12:30

Elected Officials


Courtney Glavich


Heather Brown


Brooke VanHouten


Angela Himber


Michael Hazekamp