Sullivan Township Board Meeting Minutes November 7, 2023
MEETING: was called to order by Tony Mabrito at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL: Present: Tony Mabrito-Supervisor, Libby Spencer-Clerk, Tracey McGhan-Treasurer, Joe Kremm-Trustee, Jeremy Rios-Trustee
Guest: Norman Miller and Jason Bertsch of Tuscola Logging LLC Residents: approximately 12 residents
MINUTES: It was moved by Joe Kremm moved and was supported by Jeremy Rios to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held. Motion carried.
FINANCE: The Treasurer’s report on all Township receipts of $5026.06 for the period of October 1, 2023, to October 31, 2023, was presented by Treasurer Tracey McGhan. It was moved by Tracey McGhan, supported by Joe Kremm, to pay bills of $35,458.14 as presented by Clerk Libby Spencer. Motion carried.
REPORTS: Planning Commission – Jeremy Rios reported that the PC was requesting a moratorium on all applications with respect to commercial solar energy storage and Battery energy storage systems until the PC can complete a ordinance addressing this issue. The Board agreed to do so.
– Michigan Township Services activities were reviewed
CORRESPONDENCE: Fresh Coast Planning Activity were not available for review
-Norman Miller – Tuscola Logging LLC were present and provided a quote to harvest oak trees on 20 acres of township property. Supervisor Mabrito expressed the need to coordinate this activity through a Forrester who would then request additional quotes. The Board will seek a qualified Forrester.
– The Muskegon County Road Commission requested the Boards position on regarding the Abandonment of Sheringer Road between Cloverville and Carr Roads. The Board unanimously agreed with the abandonment if the landowners involved approve and set up a legal agreement with a legal easment to ensure there will not be any landlocked property in the future. Clerk Spencer will be contacting the MCRC.
OLD BUSINESS: The cost of an updated Master Plan will be added to next year’s budget.
-The tables and chairs and everything should be available by the end of November. An Open House for the residents to view the renovations is tentatively scheduled for December 28th. After reviewing comparable venues, it was agreed to set the cost to rent the Hall at $1000 for Friday/Saturday events with a $500 returnable deposit providing no damage. It would be considerably lower for single day events and Funerals.
NEW BUSINESS: The Property Maintenance Penalty that was passed in September of 2022 did not have any penalties attached to it. It was moved by Clerk Spencer, supported by Treasurer McGhan to add the same penalties that have been used on all ordinances since 1981. The fine for violations of the municipal civil infraction shall be $100 for the first offense, $250 for the second offense and $500 for the third, etc. This Adoption will be posted.
-Ordinance Codification recommended by Slot Law Group would involve hiring an outside company to organize and arrange the Township’s ordinances into a single, comprehensive, and accessible document. The cost for this service would range between $7500-$10,000. The Board tabled this for further review.
-New Garden Tractor bids were provided by Trustees Joe Kremm and Jeremy Rios. There are more bids waiting to be received. This will be tabled until we have more information.
– Office Hour of Sullivan Township will be changing after reviewing comparable sized local townships. In January the hours will change to Monday from 9am to 5pm, Tuesday 11am to 7pm, and Thursday 9am to 5pm. This will allow for day shift working residents access to the office on Tuesdays.
– The Board was presented with illustrations and quotes for playground equipment targeting early teens by American Athletix. The Board requested quotes from two other companies as well as wanting to look at the cost to install a Disc Golf Corse and/or a Pickle Ball Court for the Park.
DISCUSSION/ANNOUNCMENTS: The Condemned property at 7755 Sternberg Road was discussed at length. The property owners are fine with demolishing the condemned house but would like to maintain the garage that is in good condition. There is a possibility of combining the property with the owners’ adjacent property but there is fear that that would negatively impact the owners’ taxes. Treasurer McGhan offered to contact the equalization department to see if there is a workable option. This will be discussed further at December’s meeting.
-When making the agreed upon changes to the noise ordinance, it was noticed that the Tannerite and other forms of binary explosive devises should be moved to the “License for Temporary Exemption” section of the Noise Ordinance. This was brought up by a resident during last month’s meeting, and the Board is in agreement with the change. The verbiage will stay the same.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Several residents were present to discuss the letters that they received from the Muskegon Drain Commission concerning drain improvement on their property. There is nothing the township can do regarding this issue. The township is also charged for the work being done to our properties.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Libby Spencer, supported by Joe Kremm to adjourn at 7:15pm. Motion carried.
Libby Spencer, Sullivan Township Clerk Click link to view