October 2024 Township Board Minutes

Sullivan Township Board Meeting Agenda – October 1, 2024

MEETING: was called to order by tony Mabrito at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Present: Tony Mabrito-Supervisor, Libby Spencer-Clerk, Tracey McGhan-Treasurer, Joe Kremm-Trustee, Jeremy Rios-Trustee.   Eighteen residents also attended.

Guest: Parick Metchler, the Township Auditor and Sawyer Rozgowski, Township Attorney

MINUTES:  It was moved by Jeremy Rios supported by Joe Kremm to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 3, 2024.  Motion carried

FINANCE:  The Treasurer’s report on all Township receipts of $2932.45 for the period of September 1, 2024, to Sept 30, 2024, was presented by Treasurer Tracey McGhan. It was moved by Joe Kremm supported by Tracey McGhan, to pay bills of $24,389.22 as presented by Clerk Libby Spencer.  Motion carried.

A roll call vote was held to dismiss the board and the Township Attorney for a closed meeting at 5:35pm – 6:30pm.

REPORTS: Planning Commission – Jeremy Rios a public meeting will be held at the next meeting on October 8th to discuss Solar Energy Systems and possibly the Accessory Building Sizes.

-Michigan Township Services and Fresh Coast Planning Activities were reviewed.

OLD BUSINESS: Review of the 2023/2024 Audit with Patrick Metchler was provided to the board.

NEW BUSINESS: Approval to move a CD from Huntington to Lake Michigan Credit Union($194,077.38) was unanimously passed with a roll call vote of the Board Members.

Per the recommendation by our Auditor, a Resolution to move money from Forestry to the Common Fund was passed by a roll call vote of the Board Members.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: It was mentioned that the Planning Commission Minutes for the past few months did not appear on the website.  Clerk Spencer will check on this.

-A discussion on how to handle the donated Money for the Trunk or Treat event was also discussed.  Supervisor Mabrito offered to advance the funds needed and would be refunded upon presentation of the receipts.  Clerk Spencer offered to assist with the purchases of candy or other needs as well.

-A resident wanted to know if it was possible to create a walkable path from Sullivan Road to Sullivan Park, Supervisor Mabrito will investigate this.

ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Libby Spencer supported by Tony Mabrito to adjourn at 7:07pm.  Motion

Libby Spencer, Sullivan Township Clerk


Damage to the Park

Help for Seniors Available

New Voter Registration Laws and AV Laws

Hours of Operation















*Closed Daily 12:00 – 12:30

Elected Officials


Tony Mabrito


Libby Spencer


Tracey McGhan


Joe Kremm


John Carr