Sullivan Township Board Meeting Minutes April 2, 2024
Meeting: was called to order by Tony Mabrito at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL: Present: Tony Mabrito-Supervisor, Libby Spencer-Clerk, Tracey McGhan-Treasurer, Joe Kremm-Trustee, Jeremy Rios-Trustee along with 16 residents.
MINUTES: It was moved by Jeremy Rios, supported by Joe Kremm, to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held. Motion carried.
FINANCE: The Treasurer’s report on all Township receipts of $53,338 for the period of March 1, 2023, to March 31, 2023, was presented by Treasurer Tracey McGhan. It was moved by Tracey McGhan, supported by Joe Kremm, to pay bills of $17,036.12 as presented by Clerk Libby Spencer. Motion carried.
REPORTS: Planning Commission – Jeremy Rios reported that since the board voted down the Shipping Container Ordinance, they will need to have another public hearing to move forward. They would also like to look at increasing the size of accessary buildings.
-Michigan Township Services and the Fresh Coast Planning activities were reviewed.
OLD BUSINESS: Zoning Enforcement Position that has been posted has been filled. The board hired Dave Bonthius as our zoning enforcement officer.
-Township Office Administrator position is still open.
NEW BUSINESS: EGLE approval to connect to Muskatawa Trail has been received. We will reach out to West Michigan Dirtworks to alter their quote from a culvert to a bridge per EGLE’s recommendation. -We received an updated Postage Machine, and we will continue to investigate the option for mass mailing as an option.
-A Resident requested permission for accessory building prior to the completion of her home. The home will soon have the roof on it, but she needs a safe place to store her tools, materials and equipment in the meantime. The Board approved this request.
-Lawn Maintenance Contract for 2024 was approved. With the reduction of mowing every other week at the Sullivan Lake property and the months of May and August.
DISCUSSION/ANNOUNCMENTS: After further examination of the International Property Maintenance Code, Treasurer Tracey McGhan recommended that we continue to utilize this tool. It falls in line with our former Ordinances with the exception of the “Building References”. The township uses Michigan Township Services for all building concerns.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Courtney Glavich mentioned that she has concerns with the IPMC because of the descriptions about the storage of wood, leaves, and other rubbish. She feels that it could cause us to become too much like a city. Supervisor Mabrito explained that there will always be gray areas with any ordinance and at that point, common sense would fall into play.
-Tammy Gillette mentioned that she was concerned with the number of trees that are down on Sheringer near the Musketawa Trail. It was mentioned that the Friends of the Musketawa Trail typically help to maintain the trail. She will be provided with a point of contact.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Libby Spencer, supported by Joe Kremm to adjourn at 6:40pm. Motion carried.
Libby Spencer, Sullivan Township Clerk